The Great Crappy Wall of Trump.

written by wilfredo dominguez

An Intro to the Wall.

Immigrants crossing the border contribute significantly to the economic output of the United States. That's according to a study conducted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

As a matter of fact, immigrants have a solid positive impact on long-term economic growth, contributing to innovation, entrepreneurship, and a dynamic labor market. Their contributions are vital, especially given the current low birth rate and the potential dangers of a declining population.

Despite these benefits, Donald Trump seems keen on building his own garden fence,a.k.a, The Wall, and it's appalling how some flag-waving enthusiasts drool all over it. And, Trump convinces quite a few knuckleheads, for sure!

The Crappy Wall of Trump

Welcome to the Crappy Wall of Trump!

Listen up, smitten kittens in love with the Crappy Wall of Trump, the Great Wall of China was supposed to glorify the imperial, architectural, and military magnificence of the Chinese dynasties, but it really was good for nothing and never served any purpose. For one, it did not stop the Mongols, nor can it be seen from the Moon as some clunkers believe.

What a Wall! Guardian of the Heavens, Sentinel of the Heimat!

Realistically, the dream of a Great Wall back then didn't seem much more achievable than hunting down E.T across the universe today. Worse! For a start, the Chinese didn't like each other at all! So much so, that the Chinese from one kingdom wouldn't even try to get along with the Chinese from the nearby kingdom just around the corner, and they instead hacked at each other with machetes whenever they had nothing else to do and felt like chilling.

Emperors came and went for thousands of years, but the Wall never materialized.

Millions of convicts died century after century trying to erect a wall that was good for nothing until one crazy Chinese morning, listen carefully, a Mongolian Dynasty, I repeat, Mongolian, took over China and stopped the construction of the wall once and for all. Whatever was left, call it a wall, if you wish, quietly sat tight for a few more hundreds of years watching the wheels until another Emperor, sort of, a communist one this time, by the name of Mao Zedong, took over and resuscitated the old dynastic crap.

Time passes, and the Great Wall is getting older.

Ironically, years later, the least traditional of Chinese hierarchs, Deng Xiaoping, another communist, figured out how to spark the damn wall: tourism! And, there it is today, the Great Wall of China, almost 3000 years later, bringing benefits to the Chinese people at the expense of foreign usurpers disguised as curious tourists who, by the millions, invade what little remains of such a magnificent project are still standing.

In just a few words.

Today, the Great Wall of China slowly dies of old age without ever having served any useful purpose other than tourism and, much less, having honored its own reason for trying to be a wall, that is, stopping the hardheaded Mongols.

As for the Moon, well, the tale dates back to the 19th century and is just that, a tale. Not even the playful boys at NASA have ever seen a single brick of the wall from the Moon.

In short, the Great Wall of China, as a reference point for the Crappy Wall of Trump, does not seem like a good excuse if kicking out the annoying Mexicans is the intended goal.

Trumpians, listen, the Mongols spent years messing with China, INSIDE OF CHINA, in spite of the wall. Soooo..., watch out, because tacos and pupusas could easily be the main dish in America for the next thousand years and there is nothing you can do about it.

Honestly, I, myself, couldn't care less.

  1. Immigrants in the United States: A Snapshot of the U.S. Population. October 4, 2017.
  2. Pew Research Center. "Modern Immigration Wave Brings 59 Million to U.S., Driving Population Growth and Change Through 2065. September 28, 2015.